The Regiment / Our Veterans

From the organization of the North, South and East Regiment in 1636 until 1959, the regiment was the primary tactical unit in the National Guard. The regiment was not only the repository for history and tradition, it also served as the basic personnel organization. Before 1959 a National Guardsman could spend an entire military career in a particular regiment. In 1959 Army National Guard regiments were replaced by battle groups, which were later replaced by battalions.

The 116th Infantry Regiment began its tradition of holding an annual gathering of the Members and Units of the old regiment in 1967. Now in its 53rd year The Muster (reunion) brings the current battalions and the veterans of the regiment together, to build a bridge between the members and accomplishments of the new battalions and the regiment’s veterans.

Keeping all the generations of the 116th Infantry Regiment and Brigade Combat Team Veterans, Citizen Soldiers, their families and descendants connected and active is a cornerstone of our programs to educate everyone we can about the history, heritage and legacy of America’s Citizen Soldiers.